Unlock your full business potential with our expert IT consulting and strategic guidance.

Organizations, in present era of sheer competition are rapidly progressing and employing different strategies to align their services and solutions with the volatile and ever-changing nature of the market. Along with the constantly evolving and developing business domains even the project management methodologies and tools have matured. Mintways Technologies consulting solutions help business management to adjust in uncertain decision making situations by providing considerable innovative solutions. The strategic support from our consultants enables organizations to develop business adaptability and intense belief in their available resources and strengths.

Our Philosophy

The simple principle to achieve success in the execution of any project is by seamlessly bridging people, processes, and technologies. Successful organization needs to be adaptable to deliver business results and sustain profitability. Mintways Technologies’s consulting helps you in capitalizing your real business potential, boosting organizational decision making process and creating workable innovative business models as per your business environment and goals.

Embracing Future

As the one-size-fits-all trend slowly fades, the traditional waterfall methodologies are now being replaced with modern agile strategies. These modern or even hybrid strategies are best suited for scenarios where the business projects are to be managed over a vast work base and there is imperative requirement of multiple project managers. Thus, the present corporate business work is looking for project managers who are equipped with the right knowledge and skill to handle hybrid project management strategies. Besides, the managers should not exclusively be working for one prescriptive methodology but are well-versed in multiple methodologies. With the wake of new project management methodologies evolving across industries, project managers are now implementing collaborative, mobile, and social networking tools to carry out tasks from anywhere, anytime. As companies are investing heavily in technology-enabled project management software, our aim with this special edition on project management technology is to help you attain more visibility into your project progress lifecycle.

Our Methodology

Our consulting team is involved in most client engagements. We have a solid track record of success in helping clients improve their project management maturity, establishing consistent, practical project methodology and establishing PMO functions. We typically provide a blended approach of consulting & training and, if appropriate, technology to support your goal of improved project performance. Our services are fully customizable to suit your exact needs, often with a blended approach of consultancy, training and technology. Our philosophy can be described as practical, fit-for-purpose and keep-it-simple with everything driven to create benefit for you. To help organizations find the right project management solution providers, a distinguished selection panel comprising of C-level executives, industry analysts, and Construction Tech Review’s editorial board has selected a list of project management service providers that exhibit innovative strategies and workflow efficiency.

Effectiveness - Adopting service ‘UBERIZATION’ approach to deliver ‘Process as a Service’. By orchestrating end-to-end workflows for business areas through proactive business process monitoring and failure point assessment, we deliver additional improvements in business process performance and measurable impact to the top line and bottom line.


  • Engage all key stakeholders
  • Define scalable, consistent methodology & processes
  • Utilize industry-best templates and tools
  • Ensure timely & accurate project information
  • Timely & accurate project information